Online Therapy in Colorado

Why Online Therapy?

Whether you live in Denver, Boulder or Colorado Springs, online therapy is incredibly time saving and effective. Through online therapy, you can get amazing results and achieve your therapy goals, all from the comfort of your own home. Forget sitting for an hour in traffic, taking time off work or finding a babysitter for your kids. You are a high-achieving woman with a busy life - it’s hard enough to make time for therapy appointments, let alone commuting or leaving work early. Through online counseling, you can be in your own space, achieving progress and gaining insight where you feel most comfortable and safe.

Online Therapy in Colorado Can Help

Believe it or not, I have actually been an online therapy provider since 2018 - 2 years prior to the COVID pandemic. When I first started providing video therapy at a group practice, I had my questions and healthy skepticism. Could it really be as effective as sitting in the same room with someone? However, I soon discovered that many of the clients I was working with made progress just as quickly as through in-person sessions, and most found that they actually preferred meeting with a therapist from the comfort of their own home or private office space. When the pandemic happened in 2020, myself and my clients were already prepared. I’ve never looked back. The flexibility and convenience of online counseling is impossible to beat. Not only has this been my personal experience as a therapist, but multiple research studies have indicated that telehealth is just as effective as in-person care.

Benefits of Online Therapy

Participate in therapy on your computer from the comfort of your own home with online therapy in Colorado.  If you struggle with anxiety, perfectionism, postpartum anxiety or cultural identity issues, virtual therapy in Colorado can help.

Online Therapy Saves You Time

  • You are a busy Colorado woman, you don’t have time for sitting in Denver traffic to get to therapy!  No need to rush back from your weekend in the mountains to meet at an office, or take the entire morning off to attend a 50 minute appointment.  Online therapy provides you the flexibility to meet from wherever you have a comfortable and private space with a secure connection, whether that’s at home, in your office, at an airbnb or parked in a camper van.

Online Therapy Allows You Access to High Quality Care

  • Online therapy allows you to connect to specialists from all over the state.  Maybe you live in a small mountain town where there isn’t much access to mental healthcare.  Maybe your city doesn’t have a specialist trained in the issue you are looking to treat, or there aren’t many providers of diverse backgrounds in your immediate area.  Online therapy allows you to see a provider who may live hundreds of miles away from you, but gets you in a way that someone more local to where you live may not. 

Online Therapy Is Flexible and Effective

  • Not online is online therapy as effective as in-person, many clients actually feel that they are more comfortable opening up in their own home than they would in a sterile office space.  Attending therapy appointments through video allows for greater flexibility with childcare, reduces the need for meticulously planning ahead, and allows you the freedom to choose where is most comfortable and convenient for you to meet. 

Online Therapy for Anxiety

Online therapy is extremely effective for treating anxiety.  Many women with anxiety feel overscheduled, struggling to fit everything into your routine.  Maybe it feels stressful to plan for a commute, account for unknown variables or just add one more thing to your plate.  Attending therapy from the comfort of your home can help reduce anxiety around therapy and allow you to feel more comfortable participating and opening up.  Many women feel safer and more at ease discussing sensitive or activating topics from their own safe space. 

Online Therapy for Postpartum Mental Health

When you’re a new mom, you have so much on your plate - planning around feeding and nap schedules, functioning on only a few hours of sleep, or maybe struggling to get out of the house in general.  Attending therapy online from the comfort of your own home is very effective for treating postpartum mental health, and reduces the barrier to entry for something that might otherwise feel too overwhelming to take on.  No need to worry about a babysitter, I encourage you to have your baby present for video sessions if that is what makes you most comfortable.  Your time and energy as a new mom is so precious; planning and allowing for a commute may certainly not feel like the best use of it.  Online therapy provides access to care for new moms when it may otherwise feel inaccessible.

Online Therapy for Cultural Identity Exploration

A big benefit of online therapy is that you can choose a provider from all over the state, based on who you best connect with.  Maybe there are not a lot of providers from your particular cultural or racial background in the area where you live, or much diversity in terms of therapists at all.  Attending therapy online can allow you to pick a provider who you identify with and feel will really get you, even if they aren’t located super closeby. 

Online Therapy for Perfectionism

If you are a perfectionist, you likely have an incredibly busy schedule packed with many commitments, plans and to-dos.  You may not have a lot of spare time to factor a commute into your busy day.  Online therapy allows you flexibility to have more control over your schedule, and attend therapy at times that might not otherwise work if you had to commute in-person.  Attending therapy in your own safe space also allows you to have more predictability in your environment.  Further, attending therapy over video may take pressure off to present yourself in a certain way, which is something perfectionists sometimes struggle with.  When you are attending therapy at home, you can feel more comfortable, relaxed and have more emotional bandwidth to connect to yourself and your values. 

Online Therapy for People-Pleasing

Attending therapy online can help reduce pressure for someone who struggles with people-pleasing.  Video therapy can often feel more relaxed than in-person sessions, allowing you to feel more comfortable reflecting, opening up and practicing asserting your boundaries.  Online therapy can help reduce fears about potential judgment and negative responses from others, creating a safe space for you to practice speaking up for yourself in your relationships. 

Online Therapy Throughout All Of Colorado

A huge benefit of online counseling is that whether you live in a front range city like Denver or Boulder, a mountain resort town like Aspen or Telluride, or in a suburb like Broomfield or Aurora, you can access therapy comfortably from your own home.

Questions before starting counseling for women and moms in Denver? Get in touch.

If you live in Denver, Boulder, Golden, Longmont, Colorado Springs or anywhere in between, online counseling in Colorado can help you with anxiety, perfectionism and postpartum.  Start online therapy in Colorado today.