Present Moment Awareness: Why Living in the Present is Important

Learning to practice present moment awareness and bringing mindfulness into your life can be enormously helpful in managing anxiety and overthinking.  Reach out to start therapy for anxiety in Denver, Boulder and all of Colorado today.

What is Present Moment Awareness?

In recent years, the benefits of “mindfulness” - or mindfulness meditation practice - have gained a lot of attention. But what does this really mean, and why is mindfulness so important? Mindfulness is the practice of shifting awareness to what is happening in the present moment, without making judgment about our observations. The concept has origins in Buddhist philosophies, and there is a great deal of evidence that it can be helpful in managing a variety of conditions, including anxiety and depression.

Why is Mindfulness Important?

Why is it so beneficial to practice mindfulness and live in the present? In our busy and demanding 21st century world, many of us often get caught up in thinking, planning and worrying about the future. While some attention to the future is necessary to function and attain our goals, hyper-focus on the future can leave us preoccupied with things that are unpredictable and out of our control. It is when we are too absorbed with thoughts of the future that anxiety tends to grow. Similarly, ruminating on past events that we cannot change can leave us feeling helpless, frustrated, and sometimes depressed.

What is happening in the present moment is the only thing we know for certain in our lives, and it is in the present moment that we are able to exercise full choice and awareness. Living in the present allows us to feel grounded, peaceful and calm. Connecting to the present moment often involves focusing on our sensory experience instead of what is going on in our minds. By practicing mindfulness in our day-to-day lives, we can actually train our brains to become more adept at focusing on the present. Read below for some examples of how to incorporate mindfulness techniques into your daily routine.

Through present moment awareness, you can bring peace and calm into your life and enjoy your time in nature.  Read on to learn the benefits of present moment awareness and start anxiety therapy in Denver, Boulder and all of Colorado.

Mindfulness Techniques: Ways to Embody Present Moment Awareness

  • Go for a mindful walk

    Instead of making a phone call or listening to a podcast on your evening walk, try to focus on your sensory experience. Focus on taking in the sights, smells, noises and feelings around you - like the breeze on your skin, smell of flowers, or leaves crunching under your feet. Even practicing this for a few short minutes can make a difference. Many people find natural settings as one of the easiest places to be present and mindful.

  • Practice mindful chores

    One example is while folding the laundry, focus on the feel of the fabric on your skin, the way your hands and arms move to create each fold, the thickness of the fabric, etc.

  • Cook mindfully

    Instead of letting your mind wander while cooking (which can actually be quite dangerous!) try to focus on the feel of the ingredients in your hands, smell of the food while it is cooking, sound of vegetables while they are being chopped, and so on. Another way to be present (and practice gratitude) with food is to connect to how it nurtures your body, and all of your nutritional needs that it meets.

  • Mindful eating

    Rather than rushing through your meal, focus on taking one bite at a time. Put your fork down in between bites to experience what the food feels like being chewed in your mouth, and savor the complex tastes and temperature of the food.

If you are a woman struggling to find enjoyment, present moment awareness can help you to find peace in your life and enjoy time spent in nature.  Reach out to start therapy in Denver and learn more about the benefits of moment to moment awareness.

Therapy for Anxiety Can Help Build Present Moment Awareness

Working with an anxiety therapist can help you learn even more tools to get out of your head and into the present. You will learn to identify thought patterns that take you out of the present moment and trigger anxiety, worry and self-doubt. You will gain a deeper understanding of where these thought patterns come from, and how they keep you stuck in the past or worried about the future. Anxiety therapy will help you to change your relationship to these thoughts so that they no longer feel like they hold such power over you.

In the busy world we live in, we can get so caught up in the “doing” that we forget to just be. Making an effort to be more present in our lives is enormously beneficial for our health and mental health. Consider reaching out for a free 15 minute consultation with a Denver anxiety therapist to learn more about how therapy can be helpful in bringing mindfulness into your life.

Other Services at Root to Rise Therapy:

Other mental health services at Root to Rise Therapy include Therapy for Anxiety,  Therapy for Perfectionism, Therapy for People-Pleasing, Cultural Identity Counseling, ADHD Therapy, Counseling for Moms and Postpartum Counseling.   I see clients located in Colorado, New York and New JerseyContact me to learn more about how I can help you overcome anxiety and reclaim your life!

Victoria Murray, LCSW

Victoria is a licensed clinical social worker with a practice based in Denver, Colorado. She specializes in helping women heal from anxiety, people-pleasing and perfectionism. She also works with new moms postpartum and clients struggling with cultural identity issues. She believes in holistic, culturally competent care that treats the whole person. She sees clients living throughout Colorado, New York and New Jersey. Learn more about Victoria or schedule a free consultation at .


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